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Website Accessibility

We want all of our site visitors to be able to access the information they need on our site, or via other means. If you have issues using our site, or accessing content, please contact us to request an accommodation. We’ll do everything we can to help.

We monitor Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and use Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) specifications. As the law and accessibility standards continue to change and we strive to deliver the most up-to-date content online, please understand that our efforts to improve online accessibility are ongoing.


In our business, we provide our tenants a first-class environment in which to conduct their business; climate control is an important part of this. It has to be comfortable for our tenants and their clients in order to satisfactorily conduct business.

We worked with CM3 on replacing a majority of our HVAC equipment. They were sensitive to the disruption this project could potentially cause to our business, and organized the schedule accordingly. When something unforeseen occurred, they communicated with us clearly and responded in a highly satisfactory manner.

CM3 is knowledgeable, capable, and sensitive to their customer’s needs and I feel confident in knowing they share the high standards we expect.

Buff Farrow, General Manager
Group Omni

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