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Safety at CM3

CM3’s EMR rating is one of the lowest in the mechanical industry.

Providing a safe working environment is the highest priority at CM3, and has been since the company was founded in 1990.

At CM3, safety and health are fundamental to our success as a company. It is imperative that our team members return home safely each and every day.

To attain this goal, weekly and monthly safety training is provided and a rigid safety program is in place and supported by all levels of management. We also employ a full-time safety manager who coordinates the safety programs and trainings.

CM3 Areas of Safety Training Include:

  • Arc Flash
  • Hazard Communication
  • Lock Out / Tag Out
  • Fall Protection
  • Confined Space
  • Respiratory Protection
  • Scaffolding
  • Welding, Cutting and Brazing
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Fork Truck Safety
  • Excavation / Trenching
  • Hearing Conservation
  • Drug and Alcohol Program
  • Electrical Safety
  • Bloodborn Pathogens
  • Proper Lifting
  • Ladder Safety
  • Heat Stress
  • Fleet Safety

CM3 believes the best way to provide a safe project site and a quality product is through an educated work force. That’s why CM3 continually has industry representatives, company officers, and safety experts conduct trainings, safety workshops and seminars.

CM3 has made a commitment to safety in both personnel and resources. We don’t just believe in safety, we work it!


Here at Central Care Cancer Center, we strive to provide our patients with a comfortable environment. Having our buildings at a comfortable temperature is very important. We have had a preventative maintenance agreement with CM3 for the last three years and they always treat us as a priority. I know I can trust CM3 to take care of any problem and issue we have in a timely manner with the upmost professionalism.

We have multiple clinics here in Kansas and Missouri and CM3 is by far the easiest to work with. Their whole staff is very knowledgeable and goes the extra mile to make sure we are always satisfied. We will be looking into doing more with them in the future and having CM3 take care of more than just one of our clinics.

I highly recommend CM3 to any business that wants top notch service.

Nick Venning, Maintenance Manager
Central Care Cancer Center

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